Relaxed, calm, in control
Subconscious Programming Hypnotherapy
The subconscious mind, a part of the mental framework that operates below the conscious awareness level, influences our thoughts, emotions, and actions.
My hypnotherapy practice aims to access and control the subconscious mind to positively change thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and emotions.
How Hypnotherapy Can Help
Calm, confident, and in control. Who wouldn’t want to feel this way? But sometimes, life gets overwhelming with work stress, balancing family responsibilities, and dealing with negative emotions.
Hypnotherapy offers a solution to these challenges.
Hypnotherapy is a great place to start if you’re looking to make a positive change in your life.
Anxiety & Stress
Experiencing anxiety and stress can lead to alterations in both your behavior and thought patterns.
Irrational fears and phobias stem from an overly active survival response in the brain.
Depression is a persistent emotional state of sadness that lasts for several weeks or months.
Phobias and irrational fears develop due to the brain's overly active survival response.
I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a specialist in Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Advanced Therapeutic Imagery, Advanced Handwriting Analysis, and Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
This narrative delves into the motivations behind my journey to address mental health issues and highlights my expertise in unraveling the intricacies of the brain and subconscious mind. My focus revolves around leveraging this understanding to enhance diverse facets of life. From uncovering the meaning of life to fostering happiness, overcoming negativity, and breaking free from detrimental habits, my passion lies in guiding individuals toward holistic well-being through a deeper comprehension of the mind’s potential.
Defective Born
I was born with an extra set of fingers on both thumbs. As a newborn, my neighbors rushed over to see the unique addition. My grandparents considered me God-gifted and fortunate, describing me as the owner of a hidden treasure. Despite this, children my age would often mock me for my thumbs, leading to feelings of inadequacy and stunted emotional growth. I frequently tried to hide my extra fingers, especially during social events. I questioned why I was being ridiculed and eventually understood that it was a disability, not a divine blessing. This realization allowed me to see the world and human behavior differently.
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