Clinical Hypnotherapist

About Me

As a passionate hypnotherapy specialist, I am committed to assisting individuals in reaching their best mental and physical health for a more fulfilling life. I am enthusiastic about creating a better world for all and am confident that, by working together, we can make it a reality.



I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a specialist in Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Advanced Therapeutic Imagery, Advanced Handwriting Analysis, and Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

This narrative delves into the motivations behind my journey to address mental health issues and highlights my expertise in unraveling the intricacies of the brain and subconscious mind. My focus revolves around leveraging this understanding to enhance diverse facets of life. From uncovering the meaning of life to fostering happiness, overcoming negativity, and breaking free from detrimental habits, my passion lies in guiding individuals toward holistic well-being through a deeper comprehension of the mind’s potential. 

Defective Born

I was born with an extra set of fingers on both thumbs. As a newborn, my neighbors rushed over to see the unique addition. My grandparents considered me God-gifted and fortunate, describing me as the owner of a hidden treasure. Despite this, children my age would often mock me for my thumbs, leading to feelings of inadequacy and stunted emotional growth. I frequently tried to hide my extra fingers, especially during social events. I questioned why I was being ridiculed and eventually understood that it was a disability, not a divine blessing. This realization allowed me to see the world and human behavior differently.

Understand the Uniqueness of Human Beings

As a young professional, I ventured into journalism and have since spent over 16 years in this honorable field. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of closely observing people from all walks of life and learning about their unique experiences, beliefs, and moral values. One of the most significant lessons I have learned from my interactions with people is that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and it is through our imperfections that we grow and evolve as human beings. There are approximately 7.5 billion people worldwide, and each of them has a unique voice, philosophy, appearance, and genetic makeup.

Discover Who I am!

In addition to pursuing journalism, I have also achieved a master’s degree in Bengali Literature from Bangladesh’s National University, which boasts an impressive 2,254 affiliated colleges. I ranked fourth on the merit list for my degree. My exploration of various branches of literature has been instrumental in helping me discover my true self.

Enter Existentialism.

 I have a strong interest in analyzing literary characters and their behaviors, motivations, desires, and how they fit into their respective worlds. My focus lies in existential psychology, which delves into the nature of human existence and the significance we attribute to our lives. To enhance my understanding in this area, I refer to works by prominent existential philosophers such as Nobel laureates Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and Søren Kierkegaard, as well as renowned thinkers like Albert Camus, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and William James. Through their writings, I gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of human existence and how we strive to find meaning and purpose in our lives.

When it comes to literature, I enjoy analyzing the behaviors, development, purpose, and survival strategies of characters. Through my studies, I’ve been able to delve into existential psychology and examine the works of philosophers like Sartre, Camus, Kierkegaard, and Dostoevsky, which has enhanced my comprehension of human existence.

Interest in Brain and Mind

During political instability in my previous country, I worked long hours at the office and suffered from various health issues. However, I used visualization techniques to take control of my mind and body and eventually regained my health. After recovering, I became interested in how the brain controls the body and heals physical ailments. I found that the human brain can protect the body, mind, and spirit. Reprogramming the subconscious mind can eliminate bad habits like unhealthy eating, lack of discipline, and negative thinking.

In New York, I was able to lower my cholesterol levels without medication prescribed by my doctor. To my surprise, I discovered that many gurus around the world use the same method to control their minds and bodies that I have been using for the past decade.

Goal of Life

Throughout my life, I have undergone a great deal of self-discovery and have come to a profound understanding of the true meaning of existence. Through my experiences, I have learned invaluable lessons on how to take control of the body, mind, and spirit, as well as how to effectively manage emotions and break free from negative behaviors and habits.

I sincerely desire to share my story and impart this knowledge to others so that they may achieve true happiness and inner peace while gaining a deeper understanding of their purpose in life.

In the USA, I completed a two-year Associate of Occupational Studies (AOS) in mind-body psychology, including a one-year diploma in clinical hypnotherapy. I graduated with honors and achieved a GPA of 3.8.

Additionally, I completed courses in advanced handwriting analysis, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), advanced imagery, Advanced Handwriting Analysis, and Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

My Work Ability

I use hypnotherapy to help people connect with their subconscious minds. Through suggestion and visualization, I help reshape negative thought patterns and beliefs. Using vibrant imagery and symbols, I assist individuals in mentally practicing and envisioning the outcomes they desire. This unlocks their inner potential and allows them to take greater control of their lives.

Advanced Specialist Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

As a CBT specialist, my approach involves partnering with clients to pinpoint negative or distorted thought patterns causing emotional distress or problematic behaviors. Collaboratively, we address these thoughts, challenging and reframing them. Together, we set personalized goals, strategize, and regularly assess progress. Using CBT techniques, I help clients effectively manage stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns.

Advanced Imagery Practitioner

 As an advanced imagery practitioner, I work with clients using imagery or visualization techniques to create vivid mental representations of sensory experiences, which is a powerful cognitive tool for enhanced learning and memory, improved performance, stress reduction and relaxation, pain management, goal achievement, confidence building, problem-solving, overcoming fears and phobias, enhanced creativity, emotional regulation, mindfulness and meditation and preparation for the event.

Advanced Handwriting Analyst

My area of expertise lies in the thorough analysis of different forms of handwriting, which include cursive, printed, and typewritten documents. I scrutinize various elements such as margins, spacing, size, and pressure applied. By paying close attention to these components, I can uncover hidden insights into the writer’s psychological state and latent characteristics. This allows me to provide a detailed and accurate understanding of the writer’s personality traits and provide valuable insights that can be used for various purposes.

Advanced Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

I use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to address emotional and psychological distress. EFT involves tapping on specific points to alleviate emotional issues, activate the body’s relaxation response, and restore emotional balance. In my practice, I guide individuals through the process of tapping, helping them rewire neural pathways associated with negative emotions and foster positive thought patterns.

Hypnotherapy Specialties



Behavioral Change

Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem



Change Habits

Self Esteem


Self Confidence

Performance Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety

Phobias and Fears

Pain Management

Sleep Disorders


Relationship Enhancement


Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis Motivation Institute – Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy 

Date Started: 06/22/2021 – Date Graduated: 09/12/2022

Total Hours: 720 – Total Weeks: 52 – Total Years: 1

Associate of Occupational Studies in Mind-Body Psychology with Honors

Hypnosis Motivation Institute – Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy

Date Started: 09/26/2022 – Date Graduated: 09/20/2023

Total Hours: 720 – Total Weeks: 52 – Total Years: 1


Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

certified by the American Hypnotherapists Association 


Specialist in Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

certified by AHA  

Advanced Handwriting Analysis

certified by AHA  

Advanced Imagery Certified Specialist

certified by AHA  

Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

certified by AHA  

Other Certifications

Mindfulness: From the Perspective of Transpersonal Psychology   

Intuitive and energy-healing 

Master the Arm Raising     

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Hypnosis 

Taking Positive Psychology to Corporations 

Mindfulness and Hypnotherapy

Stress Relief

NLP: Principles and Strategies of Success        

The Basic Understanding and Principles of NLP          

Hypnosis and Anxiety

Ericksonian Hypnosis and Trance Phenomena

Cancer: The Path of Diagnosis to Hypnosis

Hypnosis in History

Kappasinian Hypnosis

Body Syndromes

Clinical Case History Package

Hypnosis for Past Life Regression Therapy  

Advanced Advertising and Promotion

First Three Hypnosis Sessions

Research Articles Course   

Healthy Boundaries

Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapeutic Metaphors   

Synesthesia: The Neuroscience of Metaphor

Psychedelics and Transpersonal Psychology

Build and Enhance Hypnotherapy Practice with Group Hypnosis

How Forgiveness Impacts Brain Functioning

Important Dynamics in Creating Successful Relationships   

Sigil Magic Imagery – Way to Success

Helping Hypnotherapy Clients with Driving Anxiety  

The Gifts of Trauma  

Spiritual Tarot

How Not to Give into Naysayers     

Healing Developmental Trauma and Adaptation with Hypnosis

Make Anxiety Your Best Friend     

Therapeutic Creative Journaling

Crystal Singing Bowls and Hypnosis

The Incredible Power of the Mind/Body Connection

Working with Children and Children on the Autism Spectrum

Introduction to Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

Hypnotherapy and Rehab: An Inside Look   

Body/Mind Imaging – Creating a Powerful, Personal Presence

Tapping the Subconscious through Conversational Hypnosis

Uplifting Depression – How Hypnotherapy Can Help

Aging Well: Staying Sharp with Hypnotherapy      

Numerology: a Tool for Success    

Transcendent Aspects of the Human Experience

Wisdom of the Body-Mind in Hypnotherapy

Mental Bank Magic  

Superpower Style: Dressing with Intention

Say Goodbye to Cravings

The 12 Steps of AA and Hypnotherapy

Transformation: Tools for Changing Behavior

Introduction to Positive Psychology  

Subtleties of Hypnotherapy

Thirteen Breaths to Freedom

Professional Memberships

American Hypnosis Association

