Exploring Inner Peace through Private Garden View Meditation

Find a comfortable position, whether sitting on a chair, on the floor, or lying down. Take your time to get comfortable……..

Now, choose a spot on the wall or ceiling in front of you – perhaps a point or a mark on which you can focus your eyes. Make sure it’s higher than your eye level, but not too high to strain your neck. . .Great…

Let your eyes rest on that spot and look at it. Keep focusing on that point without moving your eyes…….

 You may notice the area starting to create a small rainbow…..Your eyes may blink more frequently, and your breathing might get deeper. . .

You might feel your arms and legs getting heavy as your eyelids become heavier. As you think about how nice it would be to relax your eyes and eyelids. . .

Keep focusing on that spot until your eyes feel tired and heavy. When you’re ready, gently close your eyes. . . . . . .

Closing your eyes means you can relax even more. It feels good and peaceful to let yourself fully relax. . .

Take a moment to breathe in and out, spreading relaxation throughout your entire body.

With each deep breath, feel vital energy entering your body through your nose, spreading throughout your entire being. With each exhale, imagine releasing toxins, stress, and negativity as dark, heavy clouds leave your body. . .

Now, let’s imagine something beautiful. Visualize yourself walking slowly along a pleasant path….. It’s a beautiful day, and the sky is blue….

As you walk, you come across a gate. Push the gate open and enter your very own private garden. . . you feel welcomed, safe, comfortable, and calm.

Your garden is filled with your favorite things. . . Whatever brings you joy can be found in this place. It’s all here: flowers, trees, animals, birds, water, or even music….

 Take a moment to notice everything in your garden. . . . . . See the colors and objects and appreciate their beauty. Observe the various shapes around you; look at the ground, the sky, and where they meet. . .


Your garden is a calm and tranquil space where everything co-exists peacefully. . . as you walk in the garden, try to explore all things in the garden with your sense of touch……; feel the textures…. – some items may be soft and warm……, while others are smooth and cool. . . Take your time to enjoy this peaceful place and continue feeling at peace and comfortable. . .

Notice the air – is it cool or warm? Is there a gentle breeze or stillness? Take a moment to feel the peace and serenity in this private place. . .

Now, listen to the sounds in your garden. They are pleasing to your ears and comforting. Maybe it’s quiet, or there are various sounds – some soft and some louder. Take a while to relax and listen, identifying the different sounds around you. . .

As you’re listening, become aware of the fragrances in your garden. Take a deep breath in and notice the soothing scents. Some may be familiar, while others may be new and refreshing. . .

Enjoy your visit to the garden, using it in whatever way brings you rejuvenation and self-care. . . . .

When you’re ready, slowly walk towards the gate of your garden.

You feel relaxed and content after your visit. This good feeling will stay with you throughout the day. . .

Push the gate open and return to the path leading to the garden. As you go back, remember that you can always use your imagination to return to your private garden whenever you wish….

Visit your garden whenever you want to relax, find comfort, or enjoy its beauty. . . . .

Now, draw your attention back to your physical body. In a moment, I will count from 0 to 5, and when I reach 5, you can open your eyes and return to a vigilant and awake state. You will feel completely relaxed, calm, and at ease. . .

You are starting to come up now and feel good. 0… 1… You’re beginning to come back… 2… Feel the energy flowing through your body… 3… You’re becoming more aware of your surroundings… 4… Almost there, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated… 5. Open your eyes, taking in the present moment, feeling relaxed and at peace. Carry this sense of tranquility with you as you continue your day. You can return to this state of relaxation whenever you need a moment of calm and centering.

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